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Check out our range! Our stock has all product forms of 3-CMC (Meow) available for you. Order before 3:00 PM today and it will be delivered to your home the next day.


3cmc (Meow), commonly known as 3-Chloromethcathinone, is a Research Chemical of the cathinone class. 3cmc is considered a replacement for 3-MMC. Would you like to order 3cmc? It is available in four forms: crystals , powder , pills , and capsules .


The effects of 3cmc are presumed to be stimulating, but further unclear. 3-CMC comes from the same group of substances as 3-MMC , 4-MMC and 4-CMC . Namely, the synthetic cathinones. The effects may therefore possibly resemble the effects of other substances in this group.

How to use?

When working with research chemicals, always take the necessary precautions in the lab, such as washing surfaces and wearing gloves, a mask, and protective clothing.

Because the 3cmc (Meow) is not as strong as some other chemicals, the minimum purchase is one gram. This does not mean that it should not be handled with care. Even a small amount of 3cmc can have a significant effect, so you should adjust your research goals accordingly.

Best way to store:

For the best shelf life, store your product in a dry and cold environment. Keep your product away from open fire and heat. Research Chemicals can be stored properly for at least 1 to 2 years.

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