Product Information

2-FDCK / 2F-Ketamine | What exactly is this?

2-FDCK/2F-Ketamine , the Most Popular Research Chemical


2-FDCK is the replacement Research Chemical for Ketamine. Ketamine is used in (veterinary) medicine as an anesthetic. In the party scene we often encounter it as a recreational drug used for its narcotic, tripping effect. Ketamine is a dissociative drug, making it feel as if body and mind are functioning separately. It is snorted in powder form, and is occasionally used in liquid and pill form.
Using Ketamine strengthens the feelings. Someone who is very cheerful will feel this increase enormously.

2F-Ketamine / 2-FDCK, an alternative to Ketamine

2F-Ketamine or also 2-FDCK came onto the market as a Research Chemical in 2016. It also occurs under the name 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine, but many people will be confused about this. As the name suggests, it is a drug that was developed as an alternative to Ketamine and the experiences of users are therefore very similar.

The effect of 2F-Ketamine / 2-FDCK

As mentioned, 2F-Ketamine is a dissociative agent. This is also very characteristic of laughing gas and Ketamine. The sense of body, mind, time and space can be enormously disturbed by use. 2F-Ketamine is used for its hallucinogenic effect. It takes users into another dimension. Some researchers say that they no longer feel where their arms and legs are. Although researchers specifically look for this feeling, it can also pose a danger. Extreme caution should be exercised during studies involving Research Chemicals

2-FDCK/2F Ketamine is similar to Ketamine, but the effect is longer. It also takes longer before the first effects of the drug are felt.
It is suspected that 2F-Ketamine is stronger than Ketamine. Researchers who conduct their research with this product generally take less of the drug to experience the same effect.
2F-Ketamine snorted in powder form , but also swallowed in liquid and pill form. Ketamine is mainly snorted, because swallowing does not seem to provide the desired effect.

2-FDCK / 2F-Ketamine – risks and addiction

As is the case with many Research Chemicals, not much is yet known about the risks of (long-term) use of 2F-Ketamine. However, after several experiences of researchers, there is a suspicion that it is not beneficial for the bladder and kidneys. After taking too high doses of 2F-Ketamine, dissociation can occur to a very strong extent, which is considered very frightening. After researching the effect of 2F-Ketamine on mice, the drug appears to be about as addictive as Ketamine.

Tips for safe research of 2F-Ketamine / 2F-FDCK

If you do not want to take any risks with your research, make sure that you take the right measures and have the right knowledge. Not enough knowledge, but if you still want to start an investigation, you can limit the risk with the following measures:

1) Only use 2F-Ketamine when you feel good about yourself.
2) Start your experiment in a safe environment, with as few stimuli as possible (bright lights, loud music, lots of people, etc.)
3) Loss of coordination can make it easy to fall. Research while going out is therefore not recommended.
4) Get a tripsitter.
5) Label your pouch so it cannot be confused with another product.
6) Do not experiment too soon after a meal to avoid nausea.
7) Use tools that are as hygienic as possible.
8) Perform the test with a small dose.
9) Wait at least an hour before taking another dose.

Additional tips

When the trip becomes too challenging, stay calm and calm. Try to reassure yourself that a Ketamine trip usually does not last that long. After an hour, the effects will begin to wear off. Focusing on a time can help with this.
After the examination, drink enough water (but not excessively) to thoroughly rinse the bladder.