Legal vs Illegal

2-MMC vs. 3-MMC

2-MMC crystal chunk | 2-MMC crystal chunks | 3 mmc effect

Ban on 3-MMC | 2-MMC vs. 3-MMC

Why 2-MMC vs. 3-MMC ? Since October 2021, 3-MMC has been included in the Opium Act . This means production,
trade and possession of this product is no longer permitted in the Netherlands. 3-MMC stands at
some researchers better known as “Puss.” It is a product that falls under the group:
synthetic cathinones. Right after 3-MMC was banned, a number of variant
new synthetic cathinones on the market. By a slight modification in the chemical
composition, these products are as yet off the list of the Opium Act and are
therefore legally available. You can think of the following cathinones here:
– 2-MMC
– 3-CMC “Meow”
– 4-MMC “Meow meow”
Below, we take a closer look at 2-MMC as an alternative to 3-MMC, or 2- MMC vs. 3-MMC.

2-MMC a good substitute for 3-MMC?

2-MMC was first found on the European market as early as mid-2014. After the
ban on 3-MMC in 2021, it is actually seen as a suitable alternative. That
these products are in the same ballpark is also evident from the experience of several
researchers. The following effects are mentioned:
– Stimulating / more energy
– Higher alertness
– Sweating
– Increased heart rate
– Feeling confident
– ​​Increased empathy
– Needed social interaction
– Openness
– Use produces a painful sensation on the nose
From multiple experiences, the product appears to have milder effects than 3-MMC.
Interestingly, users describe that although they feel an increase in energy, the
exuberance and the euphoric feeling are clearly less present than with 3-MMC.

The risks of 2-MMC

The main objection to the use of research chemicals is that there are over risks to the
short- and long-term is still little known. The effects and risks can vary from person to person
differences. Also, the effect of this drug in combination with
drugs or other research chemicals.

How do you use 2-MMC?

2-MMC has the same structure as 3-MMC . It comes in a dull, crystalline
form, which is easily changed to a powder form. 2-MMC is available in pellets
or capsules for oral use. In addition, it is commonly sold in powder form or in
crystals (which one grinds into powder oneself) to snort.
The effects after use are noticeable for 3 – 6 hours.

3 MMC operation

3 M ethyl meth cath at one ( 3 mm c ) is a synt theic stimul ans that al so and research chemical becomes e b ru me t . It is a new graft it is at the world from psychoactive drugs that become eb ru me t at hey t under the soek after ar the effect and from and honor stimuli . It becomes injected in small doses with honor d or g e ru m e t as powder or tablets . 3 mm c w operation goes as s e and penny ra al stim ule running m idd el and far ear Sat ak t e and a ant al ph ys i olog ical far othering and , where under e and far h og the blood edd ru k , h doctor lag , body am vote per atu ur and re em h aling . It is also ok and to increase alertness and far high energy .T he far ear Sat ak t o ok e and to take from vote and e u for ie , what is known end st a at al s e and high “. The most important effect from the 3 mm operation is that it promotes active neurotransmitter , dopamine , which is far from the answer .u for ie and e and far ho og d well z his . That amine also becomes eb ru me t to the concentration and alertness at far h eyes . The effect from 3 mm c usually lasts about an hour and a half , but it can last longer if it is used at high doses .After he had eb ru me from 3 mm c , can be and used a lot of fatigue , dizziness and a lot less hey experience ears .

Additional information

Perhaps also interesting for you to read? In a previous blog we wrote last year, we talk about the difference between 3-CMC and 3-MMC. You can read this blog here.

Legal vs Illegal

2-MMC vs. 3-MMC

2-MMC crystal chunk | 2-MMC crystal chunks | 3 mmc operation

Ban on 3-MMC | 2-MMC vs 3-MMC

Why 2-MMC vs 3-MMC? Since October 2021, 3-MMC been included in the Opium Act . This means that the production,
trade and possession of this product in the Netherlands is no longer permitted. 3-MMC is
better known to some researchers as “Poes”. It is a product that falls under the group:
synthetic cathinones.
new synthetic cathinone
variants came Due to a minor adjustment in the chemical composition, these products currently fall outside the list of the Opium Act and are
therefore legally available. You can think of the following cathinones:
- 2-MMC
- 3-CMC "Meow"
- 4-MMC "Meow meow"
Below we will discuss 2-MMC in more detail as an alternative to 3-MMC or 2-MMC vs 3- MMC.

2-MMC a good replacement for 3-MMC?

2-MMC was first found on the European market in mid-2014. After the
ban on 3-MMC in 2021, it is actually seen as a suitable alternative. That
these products fit in the same vein is also evident from the experience of several
researchers. The following effects are mentioned:
- Stimulating / more energy
- Higher alertness
- Sweating
- Increased heart rate
- Confident feeling
- Increased empathy
- Need for social interaction
- Openness
- Use gives a painful feeling to the nose.
Several experiences show that the product has a milder effect. then have 3-MMC.
It is striking that users describe feeling an increase in energy, but the
exuberance and euphoric feeling are clearly less present than with 3-MMC.

The risks of 2-MMC

little is known
about short- and long-term risks The effects and risks may differ per person. There is also still uncertainty about the effect of this drug in combination with
medicines or other research chemicals.

How do you use 2-MMC?

2-MMC has the same structure as 3-MMC . It comes in a dull, crystal-like
form, which is easy to change to a powder form. 2-MMC is available in pellets
or capsules for oral use. In addition, it is often sold in powder form or in
crystals (which people grind into powder themselves) for snorting.
The effects after use are noticeable 3 – 6 hours.

3 MMC operation

3 M ethyl meth cath in one ( 3 mm c ) is a synthetic stimulant that is used as a research chemical . It is a new entity in the world of psychoactive drugs that is used in research into the effects of other stimulants . It is injected in small doses or used as powder or tablets . 3 mm C works as a central stimulating agent and causes a number of physiological changes , including increased blood pressure .jerk , heart position , body and voice per age and breathing .It also has an increase in alertness and increases energy .It also causes an increase in mood and euphoria , which is known as a high . The most important effect of the 3 mmc action is that it promotes the active neurotransmitter , dopamine , which is responsible for causingyou for e and increased well - being . D op amine is also used to increase concentration and alertness . T he effect of 3 - mm c usually lasts about one hour , but it can last longer if used in high doses .After using 3 - mm c , a user may experience fatigue , dizziness and reduced memory .

Additional information

Perhaps also interesting for you to read? In an earlier blog we wrote last year we talk about the difference between 3-CMC and 3-MMC. You can read this blog here.