
2fma experience

Blog | 2fma experience

2fma experience

There are countless experiences online from researchers who have a Research Chemical tested. For anyone who is looking for a product that suits your needs, it can be valuable to make use of these experiences.
Below is a summary of a research report. The user was under the influence of 2fma and in the company of a second person when he wrote down his findings. This is the third time this user has experimented with this product:

Translation of an English trip report op Reddit:

Dosage and duration: 35 mg in the morning with two redoses of 25-30 mg (three and six hours after the first doses).
9 hours after the last intake I still feel some remnants of the visual and physical effects. The cognitive effects have now disappeared.

Unrest: About an hour after the first dose I feel an increased heart rate and perspiration. As I point this out, unrest also arises. I have to admit, for a moment I thought I had gone too far. Fortunately, during previous research with products, I have learned to calm myself by reminding myself that it is just an effect of the drug and that I am physically safe. I have the feeling that combining 2-FMA and caffeine increases the anxiety.

Euphoria: After the first dose of 35 mg on an empty stomach, a change in mood is hardly noticeable. After the first redose of 25 mg, I immediately feel more stimulated to take action. Coziness feels good and everything is peaceful, calm and blissful. I briefly experienced a moment where I wanted to show my gratitude and appreciation to the person I was with. This felt very natural. While using 4F-MPH I've noticed before that I tend to get tunnel vision and forget my surroundings because I'm visually trapped. When using 2fma I am not in my own world at all, I do notice my surroundings. I feel less chaos. This calmness provides minimal euphoria.

Emotions: I do not experience that my emotions have dulled, but above all that my daily worries seem to have disappeared. I feel calm and relaxed. I am completely satisfied with the company I am in.

Cognition: I feel pure focus. I'm not sure if it's because of the nature of 2fma or if it amphetamines in general, but I feel that I have much more focus on what I do. I have noticed before that I can study for hours. My thoughts take few side paths and I can consciously focus my attention on thoughts other than those that come naturally.

Social: Socializing feels good once the stimulating high (after dose 2) starts to kick in. I thought talking wouldn't be fun, but once the conversation gets going, it comes very naturally. Also, I don't feel the need to cuddle, but I do believe that having a meaningful, deep conversation in such a state would feel a little strange. I haven't tried it, so I don't know. The conversations flow easily and naturally. I also feel able to approach a stranger more easily and start a conversation. I feel a little more intuitive.

Physical Effects: Visual: Around T+5h-9h I notice moderate visual changes. The white letters on my laptop screen become more colorful. It is becoming increasingly difficult to see the letters on my screen clearly at all. Other things I see come into focus, and I am attracted to lights and bright colors. At one point I even started seeing patterns on the bathroom floor. There were no complete hallucinations.
Cardiovascular: During the kick-in, my heart lets me know that I am present. For 10-20 minutes I even feel rushed and not really relaxed due to my faster heart rate. After monitoring my heart rate, it turned out to be between 80 and 105 beats per minute.
Tremors: My hands don't really shake, but my coordination is a bit clumsy.

Feigning Sobriety: I really believe that you can behave 'down to earth' on 2fma. There is no pupil dilation during the high. I still feel like myself, just happy, with good focus and calm.

Best used for: I definitely feel a noticeably increased focus. 2fma is regularly used for long study or work sessions and I can certainly see why. Socializing using 2fma would probably also be fun, but I think there are many resources that are much more suitable for that. Light exercise (walking, cycling) feels great. My body feels quite light and movement is very easy.

Additional notes: Don't expect a miracle cure, but once you start doing something, it feels easy to continue with it. If you really want to go for a recreational high, choose a different compound.


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