What is 4F-Methylphenidate / 4f-mph?

4F-Methylphenidate / 4f-mph is a stimulant that belongs to the ethylamine and piperdine research chemicals. 4F-Methylphenidate, often known as 4F-MPH, is structurally similar to methylphenidate. The only exception is a single fluorine atom linked to the phenethylamine nucleus at position four. The similarities with methylphenate can be seen in the product photo. In the Netherlands, methylphenidate is given for: ADHD and narcolepsy.

The advantage of 4F-Methylphenidate / 4f-mph is that the intended effects are quite similar to those of Ritalin, but you can get 4F-Methylphenidate without a prescription!

This saves a lot of time and work if you want to use the chemical in the lab.

What is the composition of 4F-Methylphenidate?

4F-Methylphenidate is a fluorinated analog of methylphenidate and a synthetic compound of the substituted phenethylamine and substituted phenidate families. It consists of a phenethylamine core with a phenyl ring connected via an ethyl chain to an amino-NH2 group. It is structurally identical to amphetamine, except for a substitution on Rα in a piperidine ring that ends on the terminal amine of the phenethylamine chain. It also has a methyl acetate attached to Rβ or its structure. With the exception of a single fluorine atom attached to the four positions on the phenethylamine core, 4F-Methylphenidate is structurally identical to methylphenidate. This product is sold for research purposes only and may not be used for any other reason, including but not limited to in vivo diagnostics, food, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and/or cosmetics for humans and/or animals.

4F-Methylphenidate / 4f-mph not for human consumption

This product is sold for research purposes only and may not be used for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, in vivo diagnostic purposes, in food, in medicine, in medical devices and/or cosmetics for humans and/or animal consumption.

Make sure you are properly prepared for research chemicals and that your work environment is well ventilated before making your purchase.

Age restriction:

1) To order this product, you must be at least 18 years old.

2) It is your job to understand and follow the laws of your country, province, territory, state or city. We accept no liability for any actions or consequences arising from your decision to order.

Additional product information:

IUPAC name: Methyl 2-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-(piperidin-2-yl)acetate
Common name: 4F-MPH
State of the case: powder and pellets
Purity: 98%+
Colour: white
Systematic name: Methyl 2-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-(piperidin-2-yl)acetate
Formula: C14H18FNO2
Chemical Class: fenidate


All Research Chemical products are NOT intended for human or animal testing or ingestion. We absolutely object to any use that is not authorized for research.

Methylphenidate (4F-MPH) as an investigational agent

Students are familiar with Ritalin (4F-MPH). The medication is used during the toughest exam weeks of the study. With Methylphenidate (4F-MPH) you can learn and study in a focused and concentrated manner for a longer period of time. Authorities are concerned about the development of addiction among young people who use drugs.

How do you use 4F-Methylphenidate / 4f-mph?

When working with research chemicals, always take necessary precautions in the laboratory, such as washing surfaces and wearing gloves, a mask and protective clothing.

Because 4F-Methylphenidate is not as strong as some other medications, the minimum purchase is one gram. This does not mean that it should not be handled with care. Even a small amount of 4F-Methylphenidate can have a significant effect, so you should adjust your research goals accordingly.

Best Way to Store 4F-Methylphenidate / 4f-mph:

For the best shelf life, store the 4F-Methylphenidate in a dry and cold environment. Keep 4F-Methylphenidate away from open flames and heat. Research Chemicals can be stored for at least 1 to 2 years.

Physical Effects 4F-Methylphenidate:

1) Stimulation
2) Dehydration
3) Nausea
4) Appetite suppression
5) Increased heart rate
6) Dilation of the pupil
7) Increased perspiration
8) Grinding your teeth
9) Vasoconstriction
10) Increased libido
11) Dizziness
12) Spontaneous physical sensations

Cognitive effects 4F-Methylphenidate:

1) Thinking organization
2) Analysis improvement
3) Euphoria
4) Compulsive redosing
5) Ego inflation
6) Emotion suppression
7) Focus improvement
8) Increased appreciation for music
9) Time distortion
10) Motivation improvement
11) Memory improvement
12) Thought acceleration

Hazard statement:

1) Irritating to the skin.
2) It causes serious eye irritation.
3) Harmful if swallowed.
4) When inhaled it can cause irritation of the respiratory tract.
5) Drowsiness or dizziness may occur.

Precautions 4F-Methylphenidate:

1) Keep out of reach of children and animals
2) Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
3) Wear protective gloves, clothing, eye protection and face protection.
4) IF IN EYES: Rinse with water for several minutes.
5) If eye inflammation persists: Seek medical attention or care.
6) Avoid breathing dust, fumes, gas, mist, vapors or spray.
7) If INHALED: Remove the patient to fresh air and place him in a position where he can breathe comfortably.
8) If you feel sick, contact a POISON CENTER or your doctor.
9) Store in a well-ventilated place. Store the packaging airtight.
10) Wash your hands carefully after handling.
11) Hand over the contents/packaging to an approved waste processing company.

Want to buy 4f-Methylphenidate? Order today and you will receive it the next working day!

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